
Sólveig Einarsdóttir received an MFA from Glasgow School of Art in 2010, and a BA from Iceland Academy of Arts in 2003. She lives and works in Glasgow.

Einarsdóttir’s sculpture explores the aesthetics of pleasure and beauty, materialising emotional reactions to the everyday and the subconscious. To touch a glossary of the work is to attempt to arrange the living world alongside our domestic objects, only to find the subjects subverted by their own materials. A horse’s body cloaked in fluoride tablets resides beneath the stairs, an owl adorned with sequins refracts light, animating the room. In plaster pieces, softness becomes solid where the ripples of an ice cream evoke the friezes of ancient architecture and the hot dog - Iceland’s favourite fast food, a national symbol - is celebrated in relief. Whether re-routing traditional techniques, or in juxtapositions of the object and its composite parts, Einarsdóttir’s work inhabits a brief line between the dream state and our waking lives. Animal figures sitting as mantlepiece ornaments melt into their framing: the traditional plinth-cum-stage, posing a frozen snapshot of a fluid state, or a moment that is not meant to be.
